
Ah ok

O sítio onde me beijas -aqui, no ombro esquerdo ainda não dói beija-me outra vez

sexta-feira, junho 23, 2006

Thom Yorke

"I feel tremendous guilt for any sexual feelings I have. So I end up spending my entire life feeling sorry for fancying somebody. Even in school I thought girls were so wonderful that I was scared to death of them. I masturbate a lot. That's how I deal with it."

[sobre a letra de "ok computer"]
"It was like there's a secret camera in a room and it's watching the character who walks in - a different character for each song. The camera's not quite me. It's neutral, emotionless, but not emotionless at all. In fact, the very opposite."

Um músico, como se fosse um pintor.